Popular Media & Press

[1]   András Tóth and Zsuzsi Kun. Report from AETS 2023 at Budapest, Hungary: Many important achievements of human civilization are based on a little-known technology, micromachining (Az emberi civilizáció számos fontos vívmánya egy kevéssé ismert technológián, a mikromegmunkáláson alapul). Qubit., 2023, Link.

[2]   Within the German Jordanian discourse series, Dr. Jens Ducrée conducts a presentation on Microfluidics -– A paradigm for decentralized science in a blockchain-enabled metaverse at GJU. Link, 18 May 2022. Amman, Jordan.

[3]    Faculty of Science & Health at Dublin City University. Congratulations to Prof. Jens Ducrée on his appointment by The International Academy of Engineering and Technology (AET) as an AET Fellow. fpcatdcu dcufsh https://www.aet-ac.org/.

[4]   Spotlight on FPC@DCU in DCU’s Research Support Newsletter. Dublin City University, March 22, 2019. Link.

[5]   15 visionaries who have already seen the future. Silicon Republic, December 18, 2018. Link.

[6]   SFI Annual Plan for 2018: Science Foundation Ireland investment having a measurable impact on economy and society – Listing FPC@DCU as notable highlight / achievement. Science Foundation Ireland, January 10, 2018. Link.

[7]   Professor Gerry Byrne receives the Fraunhofer Thaler award. UCD News & Events, August 28, 2017. Link.

[8]   How a spin of the ’Lab on a Disc’ can be used to diagnose disease – Prof Jens ducrée of DCU hopes the discs can be used to detect many conditions early on. Irish Times, June 22, 2017. Link.

[9]   Fraunhofer Project Centre at DCU – Movie with impressions of ceremonial opening on YouTube. Silicon Republic, May 11, 2017. Link.

[10]   Minister Breen opens first Fraunhofer Project Centre in Ireland. Science Foundation Ireland, May 11, 2017. Link.

[11]   Analog Devices engineer senses the world for the better. Silicon Republic, May 20, 2017. Link.

[12]   DCU’s Fraunhofer Project Centre opens up lab-on-a-chip opportunities for industry. Silicon Republic, May 11, 2017. Link.

[13]   Gebündelte Expertise für Lab-on-a-Chip-Systeme – Fraunhofer eröffnet neues Project Center in Dublin. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, May 11, 2017. Link.

[14]   Minister Breen opens first Fraunhofer Project Centre in Ireland. Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, May 09, 2017. Link.

[15]   Ministers Mitchell O’Connor and Halligan announce 2.5 million SFI investment to bring “Lab-on-a-Chip” technologies to Ireland. Science Foundation Ireland, March 07, 2017. Link.

[16]   Ministers Mitchell O’Connor and Halligan announce 2.5 million SFI investment to bring “Lab-on-a-Chip” technologies to Ireland. Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation of Ireland, March 06, 2017. Link.

[17]   Ministers Mitchell O’Connor and Halligan announce 2.5 million SFI investment to bring “Lab-on-a-Chip” technologies to Ireland. Foreign Affairs Publisher, New Zealand, March 07, 2017. Link.

[18]   Fraunhofer Project Centre for Lab-on-a-Chip technologies to open at Dublin City University. Dublin City University, March 08, 2017. Link.

[19]   Fraunhofer Project Centre for Lab-on-a-Chip technologies to open at Dublin City University. Alpha Galileo, March 08, 2017. Link.

[20]   Minister announces 2.5m investment in Science Foundation Ireland. Business Week, March 07, 2017. Link.

[21]   DCU to host new 5m Fraunhofer “lab-on-a-chip” centre. Silicon Republic, March 06, 2017. Link.

[22]   Ministers Mitchell O’Connor and Halligan announce 2.5 million SFI investment to bring “Lab-on-a-Chip” technologies to Ireland. Science Foundation Ireland, March 31, 2017. Link.

[23]   Breaking news: Fraunhofer centre to focus on microfluidic “lab-on-a-chip” technology. FoodQualitynews.com, March 30, 2017. Link.

[24]   Minister announces 2.5m investment in Science Foundation Ireland. Business World, March 8, 2017. Link.

[25]   Minister announces 2.5m SFI investment to bring “Lab-on-a-Chip” technologies to Ireland. i-Micronews powered by Yole Développement, March 8, 2017. Link.

[26]   Nicole Pamme, Mark Tarn, and Jens Ducrée. Chips out of the Lab – Outreach at MicroTAS 2016. Lab on a Chip Blog, November 10, 2016. Link.

[27]   Jens Ducrée. Exhibits “Digital Lab-on-a-Disc” and “Single-Cell Assays in V-cup Array”. 20th Anniversary History Exhibition at μTAS 2016 Conference, The CCD, Dublin, Ireland, October 9 – 13, 2016.

[28]   Allie Nicodemo. ASU researchers produce devices for early, low-cost cancer diagnosis, December 05, 2014.

[29]   Global health: Putting passion to work with novel point-of-care diagnostics. CLN-SLAS electronic laboratory neighborhood, June 03, 2014.

[30]   Updomcing conference organization and publication activities, Invent awards, Science Foundation Ireland and Enterprise ireland and funding successes for bdi to jens ducrée. NCSR Community News, December 20, 2011.

[31]   Recent Invent awards, Science Foundation Ireland and Enterprise Ireland and funding successes for BDI to Jens Ducrée. Eye on BDI, December 19, 2011.

[32]   NCSR Profile: Prof. Jens Ducrée. NCSR Newsletter, February 2010.

[33]   Jens Ducrée. Schriftenreihe, volume 29, chapter CoMix - Wenn natürliche Kräfte mitmischen, pages 12–15. Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg gGmbH, 2007. Link.

[34]   R. Gronmaier, J. Claußen, B. Scheufele, S. Haeberle, J. Kohnle, R. Zengerle, H. Northoff, and F. K. Gehring. Mikrofluidische Plattform für die Blutanalytik. BIOforum, 29:38–40, 2006.

[35]   Jens Ducrée, Roland Zengerle, Markus Grumann, and Thilo Brenner. One drop of blood – Lab-on-a-chip system for rapid diagnostics. G.I.T. – Laboratory Journal Europe, 10(1):34–36, February 2006.

[36]   Preis an Ducrée. Badische Zeitung, July 21 2006.

[37]   CD wird zum Mini-Labor. Suedkurier, April 26, 2006.

[38]   Beeindruckende Idee – Energieautoarke Brennstoffzellen. BIOPRO, January 20 2006.

[39]   Jens Ducrée and Roland Zengerle. Bio-Disk: A flexible and versatile microfluidic platform for assay automation. Biomedizinische Technik, 50 (suppl.)(1):187–188, 2005.

[40]   Roland Zengerle, Markus Grumann, Thilo Brenner, and Jens Ducrée. Schnelle Diagnose aus einem Tropfen Blut. MST – Mikro System Technik, 3:14–16, 2005.

[41]   Top Ten Innovationen – Bio-Disk der Uni Freiburg. MST – MicroSystemTechnik (GIT Verlag), January 2005.

[42]   Ein Minikraftwerk für den Herzschrittmacher. Badische Zeitung, November 30 2005.

[43]   Michael Vosseler and Jens Ducrée. Microsystems for drinking water analysis. Technical report, IMTEK – Institute of Microsystem Technology, October 2003.

[44]   Silberscheibe statt Reagenzglas. Apotheken Umschau, October 15 2003.

[45]   Blutprobe aus dem CD-Player – Forscher wollen die Technik der Musik-CD für schnelle Laboranalysen nutzen, November 18, 2003.

[46]   Bio-Disk among Top 10 finalists for innovation award at ALA Lab Automation in San Jose, Ca, January 2005.

[47]   ALA. Top 10 finalists at LabAutomation 2005 in San Jose, Ca. American Laboratory, 37(1), January 2005.

[48]   Bio-Disk in Chemische Analytik auf kleinstem Raum – Wie die Chiptechnologie die Labortechnik verändert. Neue Züricher Zeitung, May 14 2003.

[49]   Ein Großlabor auf eine CD gepresst. Badische Zeitung, September 26 2003.

[50]   Bio-Disk Interview. Uniradio Freiburg, June 26 2003.

[51]   Jens Ducrée. Europäische Landkarte für die Entwicklung von Märkten und Technologien in der Mikrofluidik. CITplus – GIT Verlag, 11(2):4–5, 2002.

[52]   J. Ducrée, B. de Heij, H. Sandmaier, and R. Zengerle. Biochips – Hochparallele Testlabors im Miniformat. Life Science Technologien, August:21–25, 2000, Link.

[53]   Jens Ducrée and Nicolaus Hey. Produktionssysteme für Microarrays mit TopSpot-Verfahren. Triplett– Biotech News, pages 10–11, January 2000.

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