Start | Acronym | Full Title | Duration | Funding Source | Role | Org. | total [k€] | own [k€] | Reference |
2020-02 | MxN Cycler | A Demonstrator for a Liquid Handling Capable PCR Thermocycler enabled by a Microfluidic Consumable for Medium-Throughput Nucleic Acid Screening | EI-CF | Director | 12 months | FPC@DCU | 204 | 204 | CF-2018-0982 |
2019-10 | NGS-PREP | SPRI based DNA library preparation for next generation sequencing (NGS) | 15 months | EI-CF | Collaborator | FPC@DCU | 355 | 355 | CF-2018-0939-P |
2017-08 | μPAT | Microfluidic process analysis technology for streamlined upstream bioprocess monitoring | 2 years | EI-CF | Collaborator | FPC@DCU | 361 | 361 | CF-2017-0686-P |
2017-08 | GROW | Integrating adhesion cytometry into targeted proteomics tools | 3 months | NSF/SFI GROW | PI | FPC@DCU | 5.1 | 5.1 | 16/SPP/3321s1_GROW |
2017-06 | Mergon | Cost-efficient development and production of multi-scale and multi-functional microfluidic systems | 18 months | EI–IP | PI | FPC@DCU | 200 | 170 | IP 2017 0574 |
2017-01 | FPC@DCU | Fraunhofer Project Centre for Embedded Bioanalytical Systems at Dublin City University - a joint initiative of Science Foundation Ireland and Fraunhofer–Gesellschaft | 5 years | SFI Strategic Partnership Programme & Fraunhofer Gesellschaft | Director / PI | DCU | 8819 | 6319 | 16/SPP/3321 |
2017-01 | DfM4LoaD | Computer-Aided Modelling and Simulation Tool towards a Software-Based Design-for-Manufacture Environment for Centrifugal Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Disc Platforms | 3 months | EI–CCFS | PI | DCU | 15 | 15 | CF-2016-0503-Y |
2016-06 | SPRI Disc | Automation of Solid Phase Reversible Immobilisation based DNA size selection | 3 months | EI–CCFS | PI | DCU | 12 | 12 | CF-2016-0421-Y |
2016-05 | μTAS 2016 E&O | Explaining Lab-on-a-Chip to the people – Hands-on outreach event | 6 months | The Royal Society of Chemistry | Lead Applicant | DCU | 2 | 2 | OF-374567 |
2016-04 | IEEE MEMS 2018 | The 31st International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland | 2 years | Belfast & Northern Ireland Conference Subvention Scheme | Coordinator | DCU | 32 | 32 | N/A |
2015-06 | IEEE MEMS 2018 | The 31st International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland | N/A | DCU Conference Support Programme | Co-chair | DCU | 5 | 5 | N/A |
2016-03 | CARDIO-FET | Horizon 2020 Call FETPROACT | 6 months | EI - Coord. Supp. | Coordinator | DCU | 12 | 12 | CS/2016/1529 |
2015-01 | SysDisc | System-level design of centrifugal-microfluidic Lab-on-a-Disc systems | 1 year | SFI-TIDA | PI | DCU | 100 | 100 | 14/TIDA/2264 |
2014-02 | ProgIAs | Development of Point-of-Care Programmable ELISAs | 1 year | ASU DCU Catalyst Fund | Co-PI | DCU | 40 | 14 | N/A |
2014-01 | LoaD3 | High Performance, Multi-layer Lab-on-a-Disc System for a Cost-Efficient, Point-Of-Care Diagnostics | 1 year | SFI-TIDA | PI | DCU | 95 | 95 | 13/TIDA/B2692 |
2014-01 | μTAS 2016 | The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (Conference support) | N/A | DCU Conference Support Programme | Co-chair | DCU | 10 | 10 | N/A |
2013-12 | DECATHLON | Development of Cost efficient Advanced DNA-based methods for specific Traceability issues and High Level On-site applicatioNs | 3 years | EU-FP7 (KBBE CALL 2013.3.5-01) | Partner | DCU | 3855 | 477 | 613908 |
2013-10 | μTAS 2016 | The 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (Conference support) | N/A | SFI Conferences & Workshops Programme | Co-chair | DCU | 75 | 75 | 13/CW/B2840 |
2013-10 | μTAS 2016 | Conference Ambassador (Bid Support) | N/A | Fáilte Ireland | Lead | DCU | 16 | 16 | 2016/11 |
2013-09 | Micro-Med-A | Short-Term-Study-Mission | 1 week | 3UGH | Co-PI | DCU | 4 | 2 | N/A |
2013-08 | LiaT | Multi-purpose cell research platform / Lab-in-a-Trench | 3 months | EI-CCFS | PI | BDI | 15 | 15 | CF/2013/3769Y |
2013-01 | LOCHNESS | Lab-on-a-chip port for nanomechanical diagnostic assays | 12 months | SFI-TIDA | Collaborator | DCU | 100 | N/A | 12/TIDA/xxyz |
2012-11 | LiPhos | Living Photonics: Monitoring Light Propagation Through Cells | 3 years | EU (Call FP7-ICT-2011-8) | Partner | DCU | 3200 | 578 | 317916 |
2012-05 | N/A | Investigation into the refractive index change induced by a femtosecond laser pulse in PMMA | N/A | SFI-NAP | Project leader | DCU | 8.1 | 8.1 | NAP 401 |
2012-01 | CASPER | Cell analysis and screening platform for personalised medicine | 12 months | SFI-TIDA | Lead PI | BDI | 99 | 72 | 11/TIDA/I2039 |
2012-01 | CD4CD4 | Compact disc-based hand-held reader system for CD4 cell counting | 2 years | EI-CF | PI | BDI | 314 | 314 | EI - CF 2011 1317 |
2012-01 | N/A | What is the circulating tumour cell and the role of immune editing in the metastatic cascade? | - | HRB | Collaborator | BDI | 0 | 0 | N/A |
2012-01 | N/A | Rapid molecular detection of pathogens from bio-pharmaceutical process water and sterile products | 12 months | SFI-TIDA | Collaborator | BDI | 92 | 19.5 | 11/TIDA/I2042 |
2011-10 | BioAT | BioAnalysis and Therapeutics Structured PhD Programme | 4 years | HEA PRTLI V | PhD Supervisor | BDI | 3500 | 120 | N/A |
2011-06 | MNBS | Call ID No ICT-2011.3.2 - b) MNBS – Miniaturized multi-functional, multi-material and multi-purpose lab-on-a-disc platform for compact, integrated and automated high-performance bioassay devices | 9 months | EI - Coord. Supp. | Coordinator | BDI | 12 | 12 | CS/2011/0394 |
2010-10 | BDI-2 | The Biomedical Diagnostics Institute – CSET Renewal Award | 5 years | SFI-CSET | Acad. Leader / PI | BDI | 20000 | 1700 | 10/CE/B1821 |
2010-09 | NRF | Nano-BioAnalytical Research Facility | 4 years | HEA–PRTLI V | Head of MicroFab | DCU | 12000 | 1200 | N/A |
2010-04 | CAJAL4EU | Chip Architectures by joint Associated labs for European Diagnostics | 3 years | ENIAC-JU / EI | Country Coord. | DCU | 2700 | 533 | IR/2010/0002 |
2010-03 | ThyroQuant | Development of a Point-of-Care Diagnostic for the Quantitative Assessment of Thyroid function | 2 years | EI | Co-PI | BDI | 362 | 160 | IP-2009-0033 |
2010-01 | Nanofluidisc | Centrifugal Nanofluidic Platforms | 1 year | IRCSET-Ulysses | PI | BDI | 2.5 | 2.5 | Nanofluidisc |
2009-10 | CSET Suppl. | Development of IgG Assay Biochips for Bioprocess Samples – Addition of Millipore Corporation as a BDI Industry Partner | 1 year | SFI | Co-PI | BDI | 92 | 92 | 05/CE3/B754S6 |
2009-08 | Astryne | Lab-on-a-chip foundry and design service | 8 months | EI-Cplus | Coordinator | BDI | 97 | 97 | CP-2009-0305 |
2009-03 | Nanofluidisc | Silicon templates for polymer centrifugal nanofluidic devices | 1 year | SFI-NAP | PI | BDI | 2 | 2 | NAP 230 |
2007-12 | ZentriPlatt | Parametrisierte und validierte fluidische Einheitsoperationen für die schnelle und kostengünstige Implementierung miniaturisierter biochemischer Assays auf Basis einer zentrifugal mikrofluidischen Plattform | 2.5 years | AiF | Group Leader | HSG-IMIT | 150 | 150 | Förder-Nr 15423 N |
2007-09 | MinaMed | Nucleic acid based integrated microfluidic flow-through system for real-time monitoring of fermentation processes in drug development | 4 years | BMBF | Coordinator | HSG-IMIT | 700 | 225 | P-Nr 313502 |
2006-08 | ZentriLab | Centrifugal microfluidic point-of-care platform for Life Sciences | 3 years | BMBF | Coordinator | HSG-IMIT | 4000 | 700 | Förder-Kz 16SV2346 |
2005-12 | MicroActive | Automatic Detection of Disease Related Molecular Cell Activity | 3 years | EU-FP6 | Partner | IMTEK | 2800 | 600 | IST-2005-017319 |
2005-10 | MagRSA | Fully Automated and Integrated Microfluidic Platform for Real-time Molecular Diagnosis of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) | 3 years | EU-FP6 | Partner | IMTEK | 1500 | 650 | LSHM-CT-2006-037957 |
2004-07 | CoMix | Coriolis Mixer | 2 years | LS-BW | Coordinator | IMTEK | 295 | 150 | P-Nr 205513 |
2003-12 | HealthyAims | Intelligent Medical Implants and Ambulatory Measurement | 4 years | EU-FP6 | Partner | IMTEK | 4500 | 600 | IST-2002-1-001837 |
2003-03 | Bio-Disk | Bioanalyse-System für diagnostische Anwendungen auf Basis eines Zentrifugalantriebs | 3 years | MWK–BW | Coordinator | IMTEK | 1200 | 500 | V-Nr 24-720.431-1-7/2 |
2002-08 | FlowMap | Microfluidics Roadmap for the Life Sciences | 15 months | EU-FP5 | Coordinator | IMTEK | 190 | 90 | IST-2001-37905 |
Abbreviations of Academic Institutions
BDI – Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, Dublin, Ireland
DCU – Dublin City University, Ireland
HSG-IMIT – Institute for Micro- and Information Technology of the Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
IMTEK – Institute for Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg, Germany
Abbreviations of Funding Agencies and Programmes
3UGH - Joint Institute of Global Health at 3U Alliance (Ireland)
AiF – Arbeitskreis industrielle Forschung (Germany)
BMBF – Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Germany)
BW – Baden-Württemberg (Federal State of Germany)
CAS – Conference ambassador scheme (Fáilte Ireland)
CF – Commercialisation Fund (EI)
CCFS – Commercial Case Feasibility Study (EI)
CPlus – Commercialisation Plus (EI)
CSET – Centre for Science and Engineering Technology (Ireland)
EI – Enterprise Ireland
ENIAC-JU – ENIAC Joint Untertaking (EU)
EU-FP – European Union Framework Programme
HEA – Higher Education Authority (Ireland)
HRB – Health Research Board (Ireland)
IRCSET – Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (Ireland)
JIGH – Joint Institute of Global Health (3U Alliance)
ICS – Irish Cancer Society
LS-BW – Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
MWK – Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (BW, Germany)
NAP – National Access Programme - Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
PRTLI – Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions (Ireland)
SFI – Science Foundation of Ireland
STSM – Short-term study mission (3UGH, Ireland)
TIDA – Technology Innovation Development Award (SFI, Ireland)
Ulysses – The France–Ireland Exchange Scheme